


Little Pilgrims Theology was created in 2017 by Brandon and Jeannette Mills all to the praise, honor, and glory of God. They were convicted early on to homeschool their children, and were always seeking biblical and creative ways to train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Unfortunately, most of the resources they came across were either too shallow, too scholarly, contained unbiblical teachings and/or images of the Godhead, or some combination of all of the above. This was disheartening. Certainly, a gap existed between introductory-level and seminary-level theological education, and the desire to bridge that gap was a driving motivator for the creation of Little Pilgrims Theology. After many long hours in front of computer screens, and lots of study, an early version of Little Pilgrims Theology came to life with three subjects, ABC Theology, Basics of the Faith, and Church History.

Since inception, Little Pilgrims Theology has grown to 17 subjects with a total of over 150 individual week-long lessons. In 2022 Little Pilgrims Theology made the transition to 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. Our mission is still the same. We exist to take the gospel and sound doctrine to the world, to contribute to the theological education and training of many sons and daughters who by faith would receive and rest in Christ Jesus alone as their only Redeemer. There is much work to do still, to continue to serve and build up Christ's church in the truth of scripture by His grace. If the Lord wills it, we hope to expand into other languages, support multiple Bible versions, add a music element, and continue creating more content in the days to come. You can support all of these things with a one-time or recurring tax-deductable donation here.

"The gospel must first be preached to all the nations." Mk. 13:10


Little Pilgrims Theology is all about furthering the kingdom of God by explaining the gospel of Jesus Christ according to scripture alone. We are confessionally Reformed according to the 1689 2LBCF. The content here has been thoroughly examined and considered, to the best of our ability, to serve as a a conduit for the gospel and sound doctrine for the edification of the church.

Our passion is presenting eternal treasures of the faith to help equip the church to confidently stand firm in the faith; discerning what is and what is not the truth. Little Pilgrims Theology is not meant to be a replacement for the Bible, nor for a solid local church, but it is meant to be a supplement to all of these. Our goal is simply to put a trustworthy theological resource in the hands of parents, educators, and learners. Little Pilgrims Theology is flexible enough so that the content can serve for individual study, 15 minute family devotions, or even 60 minute church class sessions. Lesson plan guides are included for these scenarios. The content of Little Pilgrims Theology is organized systematically according to major subjects and disciplines of theology. There are no prerequisites for any subject. The Catechism subject is useful for ages 3+, while the other subjects are best for ages 7+.

Our prayer is that Little Pilgrims Theology brings the gospel of Jesus Christ and sound teaching to whomever might profit from it; young and old alike, and that God would graciously open the ears of the lost to grant faith and repentance as fruits of a new life in Christ Jesus. We pray also for those that have already trusted in Christ; that they would continue to find great joy and rest in Him alone, and that they would keep abiding in Christ, eagerly awaiting His glorious return.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." Eph. 2:8


Preston Fischer

Preston is a Managing Director at a global consulting firm where he helps lead the Blockchain and Digital Asset practice. Preston has been a consulting practitioner for over 20 years and has worked with governments, Fortune 100 companies, and small non-profits on data and risk related matters. A Christian since childhood, Preston is a native Texan with a passion for the health and theology of local churches. He and his wife have two adult children, another one at home, and enjoy sharing meals with family and friends as often as they have opportunity.

Mark Kinney

Mark grew up in Eastern Oregon and became a Christian in his mid-twenties through a coworker sharing the gospel with him. He studied Electrical Engineering and worked for 10 years for the Navy as a civilian testing torpedoes and buying power systems for ships. He then spent three years running operations for two conferences, Together for the Gospel and CROSS Conference, and currently works as a web developer. He is married with four children, all boys, who fill up the remainder of his days.

Brandon Mills
President & Co-Founder

God saved Brandon as he was reading Ephesians 1 and 2 alongside a systematic theology textbook. Since that day, he has been passionate about getting the gospel and sound doctrine to the world. Before LPT, Brandon conducted research in automation which resulted in coauthoring two patents. Brandon holds an M.Div. in Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is a pastor at Providence Reformed Church. He is a bookworm and aspiring theologian who loves God and the church. His spare hours are usually spent hanging out with Jeannette, reading, or testing out his latest dad-jokes on their five children.

Jeannette Mills
Vice President & Co-Founder

After her college days, a sweet friend named Elizabeth @solagratia.co shared the gospel with Jeannette which led to her trusting in Christ alone for forgiveness, righteousness, and eternal life. Jeannette is tender-hearted, compassionate, and a gifted designer. She's a fierce introvert, but always ready and willing to discuss Jesus, the Bible, or theology. She labors to teach her five children the things of God, and strives to cultivate a love for reading in them. She dearly loves the church, and she enjoys walks with Brandon, learning, and treasuring up the short days with her children.

"Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." John 17:17
Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright ©1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. www.lockman.org

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